Ansari Architects, formerly called as Ansari and Associates is considered to be one of the best architects in Chennai. "CREATIVITY BEYOND IMAGINATION" is our motto. Ansari Architects and Interior Designers is an award winning architectural firm located in Chennai, India. Our main specialization and focus has been High End Residences and Luxury Independent Homes .
We strive to produce exemplary designs by working along with the clients needs and inputs. Client satisfaction is the at most aim in our firm, all our staff are trained to keep this mind on everyday basis. We coordinate closely with the construction teams to bring our creation to reality.
Our Experience in High-end, Luxury homes and our design sense are unmatchable in the field, whether among established or among the start-up firms.
We don’t just show the computer generated 3D images as many start-up firms do. You can see many such examples all over internet. They can only show you the computer generated imaginary views, and cannot show the completed real life photos as you see in our site.
It is very easy to show a computer generated image. But it takes years of experience to bring it to reality. We excel in producing the design in reality so that The final result looks much better than what we showed in 3-D views .
And our designs are not 'run of the mill'. Each and every house or interior is custom designed to need the requirement of the people who will use it. We put in so much thought process, hours of brain storming sessions, deep research work in terms of selection of finishes in to each and everyone of them. And it takes typically about 1.5 to 2 years to complete the results that you see in our website. This kind of result takes everyday involvement during the entire period of construction.
We charge on square foot basis. Hence, whether you use Vitrified tiles or Italian marble for flooring, our fee will be the same. So, when we suggest a costly finish, you will not get the feeling that we doing it to hike our fee. At the same time we charge as per the Council of Architecture norms.
We provide complete turnkey solutions, whether in construction or in interiors. So your involvement in the process of construction will be almost nil. But if you prefer to involve more in the process you are always welcome.
We have a dedicated and experienced team of staff members who work tirelessly to bring our imagination to reality. They will support your building construction team by Involving in endless meetings and discussions with the contractors, site supervisors and also clear all their doubts and questions.
Once a project design is finalised, we will allot a working team to your project. The head of the team will coordinate with the daytoday requirements of the contractor and the construction team. You can always call or meet the head of our team and get your doubts and questions clarified. If you are not satisfied with his answer, you are welcome to escalate the issue to the chief architect who will be glad to solve the issue.
If a certain staff is not available for taking care of your need, we always have a substitute who will be knowledgeable in your project and fill the absence of the previous one instantly. So that when you make a crucial call with an important doubt, you will never get a reply that the concerned person is not available and we will not be able to solve your problem.
We coordinate completely for getting approvals from Corporation / CMDA / DTCP for your project.
We have complete knowledge of all available latest technology and finishes like tiles, veneers, paints etc. We always pass on the architects discount to our clients. Besides all the vendors will give you special rates as have laong term relationship with them. Most importantly once they go through us, they will never think abour compromising the quality of work. They know that the moment they do it they are out of good books.
Our engineers will periodically check the quality of construction as per the strict norms we have. If you prefer we arrange for the site visits by out team more frequently so that the construction is as per the quality expected.
We just don’t provide the drawings and wash our hands out. We will be with you safeguarding your interest until the complete hand over of the project, coordinating each and every stage of the construction. Because of this aspect, you might find our fee to be little more than our competitors. But the enormous value addition you get compensates much more than the little extra that you pay to us.
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